Welcome to doctor Huybrechts’ website

Doctor Huybrechts is a general practitioner in Herentals, Belgium.
You can make an appointment online. The address of the practice is Nederrij 11, 2200 Herentals. You can park your car for free in the Nederrij, Hikstraat or Burchtstraat, provided that you place a parking disc.

Outside office hours, you can call the doctor on duty on +32 14 22 22 00. In case of danger to life, call the free European emergency number 112.

Doctor Huybrechts uses Belgian convention rates: € 31,50 for a regular consultation, € 36 in the evening (current situation in 2024). If you are not registered at a Belgian health insurance fund, you pay the full amount at the end of the consultation. Afterwards, you can request a refund through your own insurance. Preferably, you pay contactless with a bank card (Bancontact, Visa or Mastercard) or with the Payconiq app. You can also pay in euros.

Doctor Huybrechts speaks English fluently. If you have trouble speaking English fluently, you are advised to bring a confidant who can translate into Dutch or English.

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